Monday, November 8, 2010


Today's number: 45.7kg
Shit I lose my weight. I can't let that happen as i need more energy now. @_@

What a wwoofer do?
Housework: cleaning toilet, bathroom, kitchen, windows, carpet, cooking, washing dishes.
Gardening: clean the weed, composts, mud the plant, collecting snails, fight with bees.
Baby Sitter: play with kids, wake up by kid in midnight.



  1. hey u already very thin...u still lose ur weight? walao ei? pls eat well, sleep well and enjoy your time there. Else it will be useless for you to go there.:)

    Nice day ya...

  2. u c , sky start 2 heart pain already. better eat more n gain weight back .. and of cz , tk k too

  3. sky: i'm not purposely do that. just that my body still not adapt in the environment very well. =.= i 'll try eat better ya. :)
    coffeecup: he envy me can lose weight but he can not ;p

  4. u really kns lo...chua chinn yin...:))

    anyway, adapt ur life in the new place...:)
